Anchor Devotional 6: Living in True Victory

In Anchor Devotional by admin

By Troy Coates
“Your blood declares a better word than any boast of hell.”

“The boast of hell” is a strange phrase. Hell is boasting–bragging, if you will–that the powers of darkness are guaranteed to win, or are at least heading towards victory. The deceptions of the evil one and the lies of our hearts tell us that life is about survival and self-reliance. Our goals in life revolve around gaining satisfaction, accomplishment, or happiness while living on this earth. God tells us that these lies distract us from true joy! By these deceptions, we are torn from the satisfaction, accomplishment, and joy found in Christ!

Throughout middle school and high school, I developed sinful behaviors. Lying, lust, disobedience, and pride became common in my life. But the sad part about all of it, and the most discouraging part for me was the fact that I thought I had to hide my sin and brokenness. I even thought that I had to fix my sins to qualify for true Christianity, which was strange because I knew that salvation was by faith alone.

I deceived myself into believing that I had to clean myself up before trusting God with everything else. This was disastrous because I continually found myself believing my sinful habits would provide satisfaction, relieve stress, or produce security. Because I would repeatedly fall for these lies, I believed I was unable to overcome my sin or receive blessings from God.

What I have learned through these times of deception was that the “boast of hell” can be both loud and soft. Hell’s boast is often loud and powerful, as it declares through our surroundings that hope is lost, pain and depression are all that exist, and brokenness is now our cage. But other times, the “boast of hell” can be soft, giving suggestions of unworthiness and opportunities to promote selfishness.

In the midst of the brokenness produced by these lies, there is a sure hope that influences every moment of our lives. We do not have to listen to the lying boast of hell because we know the truth: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came down from the glory of God to dwell with sinful man, die for the sins of the world, and raise to life in victory. That victory extends to us as well! This is the truth that must be held onto over any lie that threatens to tear us down! We have victory in Christ! Death is defeated and sin is no longer our master. Christ is your Savior. Christ is my Savior. I do not have to save myself from the lies of hell, for Christ has won the victory for me!

Paul rejoices in this truth in 1 Corinthians 15:54-58 (ESV):

“When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written:

    ‘Death is swallowed up in victory.’

      ‘O death, where is your victory?

      O death, where is your sting?’

The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.”

Jesus Christ is alive! Because of his death and resurrection, we are guaranteed eternal life, fulfilling joy, and the experience of restoration. There are still lies that lead to pain and strife in this life, but Christ ultimately provides victory. We have this truth to give us hope and provide a firm foundation through the storms of life. When we fight the lies of the world, we need to remember and cling to the victory found in Christ.

And now that you have victory in Christ, work for the Lord so that His victory might be made known to those you encounter. Because you have a firm foundation in the victory of Christ, what you do during this lifetime should reflect your hope. Share with others. Tell people where your victory is found. Work for the sake of the gospel. For death is defeated and victory is found in Christ!

Questions for reflection:

1)  How does the victory of Christ apply to the circumstances you are facing today?

2)  Where does Christ’s victory need to be applied in the lives of those around you, such as your family, friends, coworkers, fellow students, etc.? How can you help them see that?